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Social Work (B.A.)

Faculty of Health Sciences (University of Applied Sciences)

Teaching language: english

Social work stands for responsibility. It is consistently committed to the individual well-being and social participation of people. As a human rights profession, it strengthens self-determination and self-efficacy, promotes the health integrity of disadvantaged people, ensures social cohesion in the community and fights against poverty and for social justice.

Social work needs well-trained professionals who are able to respond professionally to the challenges and crises of our time. Up-to-date specialist knowledge, first-class methodological skills, reflection skills and a respectful, strength-oriented attitude are the indispensable key qualifications for future social workers.

The Bachelor's degree course in Social Work (B.A.) offers students a modern and stimulating learning environment designed by proven academics and practitioners. The lecturers provide well-founded specialist knowledge about the help that is suitable for the most diverse forms of disadvantage in the numerous fields of social work.

As a social work student, you will be able to analyze problems, conflicts and crises with confidence and reflection and develop viable solutions. You will learn the right support methods and know which helpful prevention approaches exist in the social and health care system. After graduating, you will have matured as a person, be well equipped to enter one of the exciting fields of practice and work with other professionals to help people at risk and society.

The course corresponds to the state-recognized Bachelor's degree course in Social Work and is taught in English. The change notifications to the Senate Administration and the Accreditation Council are currently being processed.

Quick Overview

Start of Studies
October 1

Bachelor of Arts

Study Models/Duration
Full-time: 6 semesters


Tuition Fees
450 euros/month

Registration fee
100 euros

Areas of employment
Counseling centers, rehabilitation facilities, hospitals, youth welfare offi ces, health authorities, schools, educational institutions, daycare centers, child and youth welfare


  • Course language is English
  • At MSB, you study flexible according to the modern teaching concept of blended learning (combination of classroom teaching and virtual teaching)
  • A clear and reliable timetable structure gives you time and security to balance your studies, job and family or leisure time
  • You will study at Campus Berlin in one of the most fascinating cities in the world
  • The program is practice-oriented and interdisciplinary
  • You will be supported by an experienced team of professors
  • Service is a top priority at MSB: student services and university management are always there for you
  • You have first-class career and promotion prospects


Upon completion of the three-year Social Work degree program at MSB, you will receive a Bachelor of Arts degree. and full recognition as a state-recognized social worker/social pedagogue (B.A.) in accordance with the Social Professions Recognition Act (SozBAG). German language skills at level C1 of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) must be provided.

Flexible studying? Yes, this is what distinguishes MSB. With the modern concept of blended learning, a sensible mixture of face-to-face study, virtual teaching and self-study, you can study both on the Berlin campus and at your own personal place of learning. Because our quality standard course in social work must have both. Without attendance, students cannot be professionally supervised and content cannot be taught in a methodically diverse way. Social interaction and exchange in groups as well as self-awareness exercises must be experienced and reflected in presence on the campus. This is the only way to learn how to work with people and for people. The social must be taught socially in the natural social space.

Nevertheless, according to today's teaching standards, quality also means integrating virtual teaching formats into the course in a didactically meaningful way. At MSB, you will study according to a reliable, clearly structured timetable with flexible proportions of classroom teaching, online teaching and guided self-study. Each teaching format is interrelated and follows a common thread with comprehensible learning objectives. At MSB, virtual learning means developing your own learning style under guidance and training as a learning strategy in order to reach a goal-oriented conclusion.

Compatibility of work and study? Yes, that is also guaranteed. For a good theory-practice transfer, we encourage you to work in a social institution during your studies. Despite studying full-time, you only have to study three days a week. In addition, you are only on campus once a month during the so-called attendance week. The remaining three weeks are spent studying virtually at your favorite place of learning. In short: you have the best opportunities to work alongside your studies and to choose your learning places individually.

Study content

Social work is a so-called related science. This means that its science is made up of different disciplines and is enormously diverse. Accordingly, the course also has extremely broad and exciting curriculum content, which imparts comprehensive knowledge from these disciplines. This includes teaching content from education,psychology, social science,sociology, medicine, health science, philosophy and law. You become familiar with numerous specialist topics and practice-oriented approaches, such as the basics of developmental psychology or socialization and learning theory, background information on mental illness, suicidal tendencies or the consequences of trauma, professional action in the context of early help, child protection and child endangerment, methods of violence intervention or approaches to health prevention and concepts for designing inclusive educational and support processes. The history of social work will also be part of your repertoire.

You will also get to know  the legal foundations and issues of social policy or research approaches in gender studies and intersectionality. You are confronted with ethical, moral and cultural issues and need to develop a professional attitude. In addition, you will gain a sound overview of the practical fields and methods of social work (individual case work, social group work, community work) and learn the computer-aided application of qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Social work consists mainly of communication and interaction. Language and conversation are therefore among the basic skills. MSB teaches you not only the basics of communication and therapy schools. After completing your studies, you will be able to apply specific techniques from systemic and solution-oriented counseling or psychodynamic pedagogy. This will enable you to conduct difficult conversations and be able to moderate collegial team meetings, lead multi-perspective case conferences and apply methods of self-reflection. This also includes learning mindfulness techniques to maintain one's own mental and emotional health.

The Social Work degree program consists of a clear and logical sequence of modules that all students on the course complete. In addition, you can choose from a wide range of interdisciplinary elective modules and compulsory elective modules. This gives you the opportunity to give your studies an individual focus and gain knowledge in specific subject areas.

The study-integrated practical semester (internship) is compulsory for all students in order to obtain state recognition. It lasts one semester (20 weeks) and usually takes place at the end of your studies. During the internship, you will be supervised by a teacher from the university and regularly take part in supervision groups.



The admission requirements are:

  • Entitlement to study in accordance with § 10 BerlHG (general higher education entrance qualification, subject-specific higher education entrance qualification, entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences or comparable qualification) or
  • Admission to higher education for vocationally qualified students according to § 11 BerlHG
  • For foreign study applicants possibility of further studies according to § 11 BerlHG
  • A pre-study internship of at least one month in a recognized social and healthcare institution

The MSB degree program is NC-free. Following your application, we will check your personal motivation in an individual admissions interview.


The Social Work (B.A.) degree program gives you the opportunity to go straight into practice or continue your studies. Or both. Because the MSB Master's degree program allow you to combine studies and work, just like the Bachelor's degree program.If you initially only want to go into practice, as a state-recognized social worker you can choose from any field of practice. You can get started in all areas of social work with independent, church or public organizations. Whether you work with children, young people and families or the elderly - the choice is yours, because you are needed everywhere. People with specific problems such as social-emotional impairments or disabilities, mental illness, addiction or delinquent behavior also need your help.

If you want more right away, a subsequent Master's degree will qualify you for leadership and management positions in practice as well as for an academic career with the possibility of a doctoral study program.

  • After completing the Bachelor's degree in Social Work, you can choose either the Master's degree in Social Work (M.A.) or the Master's degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology (M.Sc.).

In both degree programs, you have the opportunity to complete the integrated and certified further training in systemic counseling or systemic coaching.

Further information on the Master in Social Work (M.A.) with integrated further training in systemic counseling (DGSF/SG) can be found HERE.

Further information on the Master in Industrial and Organizational Psychology (M.Sc.) with integrated further training in Systemic Coaching (DGSF/SG) can be found HERE.

Please use this form to apply or for any questions
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