9. April 2024 | 18.00 - 19:30 Uhr | Raum 1.03, Rüdesheimer Str. 50, 14197 Berlin oder Online
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„Therapeutic intervention with pedohebephiles: Responding to treatment needs and intervening with compassion“
Referent: Nicholas Blagden (University of Derby, United Kingdom)
People with a sexual interest in children face significant barriers to seeking and receiving treatment for their problematic sexual interest and their mental health needs. This presentation has three main aims (1) to outline and unpack recent research on the key treatment needs and experiences of pedohebephiles; (2) to outline key barriers for successful intervention and the importance of the therapeutic relationship; and (3) to outline how intervention can benefit from a compassion-focused approach. The presentation also focuses on the importance of attending to shame and self-criticism in understanding and working with the client group and will illustrate how capacities for compassion can help individuals lead pro-social non-harmful lives. Finally, the talk focuses on early evaluation of The Aurora Project (TAP) – a free compassion-focused therapeutic service for those with problematic sexual thoughts or behaviour. The presentation concludes by suggesting how compassion can be implemented into practice.
Biographie of Nicholas Bladgen
Nicholas Blagden is a Professor of Criminological Psychology and the Director of the Centre for Applied Social Science Policy Practice and Research (CASSPPR) at the University of Derby. He is a co-founder and trustee of the Safer Living Foundation and a Chartered Psychologist. He currently sits on the HMPPS Correctional Services Advice and Accreditation Panel (CSAAP) and NOTA’s Policy and Practice Committee. He has an international track record of publishing in high quality journals and has authored and co-authored multiple books. He is also a registered psychotherapist.
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